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Create Quotations

To create a new quotation or estimate in Lutrack Inventory, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Sales.
  2. Click on Quotation / Estimate.
  3. Click on the Add New Quotation button.
  4. Fill in the quotation details:
    • Invoice Number: Enter the invoice number, or leave it blank to generate automatically.
    • Customer: Select the customer for whom you are creating the quotation from the dropdown list or add a new customer by clicking the + button.
    • Quotation Date: Select the date for the quotation.
  5. Add products to the quotation:
    • Use the search bar to find and select the products by name, item code, or barcode.
    • Enter the quantity for each product. The unit price, discount, tax, and subtotal will be calculated automatically.
  6. Enter additional details:
    • Terms & Conditions: Review or modify the default terms and conditions.
    • Notes: Add any additional notes for the quotation.
    • Order Tax: Select the applicable tax for the order.
    • Discount: Enter any discount amount.
    • Shipping: Enter the shipping cost.
  7. Review the order summary:
    • Check the Order Tax, Discount, Shipping, and Grand Total to ensure all details are correct.
  8. Click the blue Save button to finalize and save the quotation.